Iowans Preserve Historical Assets with Grants from Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs

From Sioux City to Muscatine, the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs (IDCA) is investing in projects to preserve the state’s historical assets. The department announced today it has awarded $118,626 in grants for 14 historic preservation projects through the IDCA’s State Historic Preservation Office Certified Local Government program.
Photo for Iowans Preserve Historical Assets with Grants from Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs

Iowans Preserve Historical Assets with Grants from
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs

DES MOINES – From Sioux City to Muscatine, the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs (IDCA) is investing in projects to preserve the state’s historical assets.

The department announced today it has awarded $118,626 in grants for 14 historic preservation projects through the IDCA’s State Historic Preservation Office Certified Local Government program. 

Iowa has one of the largest Certified Local Government programs in the country, with 90 cities and counties that rely on this state-local partnership for training and technical assistance to stabilize historic neighborhoods and revitalize downtowns. Through this program, the State Historic Preservation Office collaborates with local governments on preserving historic properties, establishing historic preservation commissions, and enacting supportive local codes and ordinances.

“This program offers opportunities for local leaders to preserve and develop the historic character of their communities,” Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs Director Chris Kramer said. “It’s an effective tool that places historic preservation at the center of placemaking efforts that create more culturally vibrant places to live, work and raise families.”

Here are the 14 projects that received Certified Local Government grants:

Adams County Historic Preservation Commission
The commission will use ground-penetrating radar to conduct a survey of seven cemeteries and five burial sites to assess their integrity for pioneer status.

Calhoun County Historic Preservation Commission
The commission proposes to nominate the First National Bank of Pomeroy to the National Register of Historic Places. The building now serves as a local historical museum.

Spencer Historic Preservation Commission (Clay County)
The commission will complete an accessibility planning project for the second floors of Spencer's historic central business district. 

Guttenberg Historic Preservation Commission (Clayton County)
The commission will develop design guidelines for Guttenberg’s Front Street Historic District, including a boundary amendment.

Dallas County Historic Preservation Commission
The commission will nominate the Grand Army of the Republic Building in Redfield to the National Register of Historic Places.

Cedar Rapids Historic Preservation Commission (Linn County)
The commission plans to update its municipal code chapter on historic preservation and its companion historic-design guidelines to align with new structures, materials and designs that have been added as local landmarks and districts. 

Louisa County Historic Preservation Commission
The commission will hire a preservation professional to nominate the Fairview Community Church in Wapello to the National Register of Historic Places.

Muscatine County Historic Preservation Commission
The commission will hire an engineering firm to develop planning documents for stabilizing the amphitheater at the county fairgrounds in West Liberty.

Muscatine County Historic Preservation Commission
The commission will hire a consultant to prepare a National Register of Historic Places nomination for the Benjamin F. and Susan M. (Jenkins) Nichols House in the town of Nichols.

Ringgold County Historic Preservation Commission
The commission will hire a consultant to provide training in survey techniques and other preservation tools. The consultant also will identify and develop historic contexts for the county’s development and help identify future preservation projects.

Ringgold County Historic Preservation Commission
The commission will do pre-development work to prepare for the preservation of the first Hy-Vee store, historically known as the Beaconsfield Supply Store.

Ames Historic Preservation Commission (Story County)
The commission will complete an intensive level survey of up to 107 properties in the city’s Chautauqua Park and Ridgewood subdivisions.

Winneshiek County Historic Preservation Commission
The commission will nominate Decorah’s Smith Memorial Hospital to the National Register of Historic Places.

Sioux City Historic Preservation Commission (Woodbury County)
The commission proposes to host the 2023 Preserve Iowa Summit and to nominate the city’s Hubbard Park to the National Register of Historic Places.

For more information visit


The Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs and its divisions – the State Historical Society of Iowa, including the State Historic Preservation Office; the Iowa Arts Council; the interim Iowa Humanities Council; and Produce Iowa, the state office of media production – empower Iowans to build and sustain culturally vibrant communities by connecting to the people, places and points of pride that define our state.

written by Jeff Morgan

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